All the mouthwatering recipes in our series “The Main Ingredient” have one thing in common: They all contain cookies. 

Frosted Graham Stackers

Sadly, all good things must come to an end. We here at Cheryl’s hope you had a blast trying out our many buttercream experiments over the past seven weeks, but now it’s time for the grand finale.

To wrap things up, we thought we’d put a new twist on an old campfire favorite: s’mores. But there’s no need to light up a bonfire for this delicious treat. All you need is a few graham crackers, a tub of Cheryl’s rich fudge buttercream icing (to replace the chocolate bar in the traditional S’mores recipe) and a jar of creamy peanut butter (to stand in for the marshmallows).

Break the graham crackers into small squares and separate them into three equal piles. Take one pile and spread a thick layer of Cheryl’s fudge buttercream frosting onto each graham cracker. For the second pile, spread a thick layer of peanut butter onto each square. Leave the remaining squares unfrosted.

Lay the buttercream-frosted crackers on a plate, frosted side up. Stack one plain cracker on top of each buttercream-frosted square, and then stack a peanut butter-covered cracker on top of the plain cracker to create a three-layer sandwich.

Cap off the sandwich with a topping of your choice, such as chocolate chips or strawberry slices.

Now, gather your friends ’round the table, pour yourselves a few mugs of piping hot chocolate, and take joy in a night of warm laughter and sweet comfort

If you missed any of the previous installments in our buttercream series, you can find them here: traditional treats, icing fondue, deconstructed cake, cake push-up pops, frosted pancake sandwiches, frosted doughnut flowers.

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